

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Best Penis Enlargement Foods

Best Penis Enlargement Foods For Men WIth Erectile Dysfunction

penis enlargement foods

Significant penis enlargement is one of the notable benefits of eating proper diets. Here, you will discover the best penis enlargement foods that will help you to increase the girth, length and size of your penis.

Unlike the formulated penis enlargement drugs and penis enlargement pills, these penis enlargement foods are cheaper, safe and healthy also. No need to worry so much again about the side effects of harmful substances used by quacks in the manufacture of low quality penis enlargement drugs. Penis enlargement vitamins are also essential food supplements that aids the growth of the penile tissues.

Best Penis Enlargement Foods

Whenever you have the chance to shop in a grocery store, ensure that you select foods needed to enlarge your penis as a man. Some of the best penis enlargement foods that you can find in nearby supermarkets and fruit stores are as follows:

(1). Onions: Extensive research have taught us that onion bulbs are super active in the enhancement of healthy blood flow and circulation from the heart all round the entire body system. Also, an increased consumption of onions prevents blood clothing. Only a few persons are aware that onions are excellent stimilators of the penis by improving blood flow to the penile tissues.

(2). Salmon: Stiffer penis erections can be achieved by consuming much of foods that encourage the healthy flow of blood in the body system. Just like onions, salmon is also an excellent blood flow enhancement agent. Salmon is naturally enriched with omega 3 and other fatty oils which thins the blood to generate smooth flow of blood all around the body system.

(3). Bananas: This is our first choice recommended food for penis enlargement. Banana is good for the heart and helps the smooth flow and circulation of blood.

(4). Broccoli: This is a very precious vegetable that strengthens the pelvic muscles when consumed often. It may not increase the penis girth but is is very good for the proper functioning of the penis. You can substitute it with carrots, tomatoes or potaatoes in case you do not like taking it.

(5). Low Fat Yogurt: This is a natural penis enlargement food that contain high levels of lean protein components.

(6). Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains a phytochemical known as flavonol which is also present in herbal foods and beverages as well. Dark chocolate tastes so good and its flavonol component is very helpful in improving the flow of blood to the penis.

Best Penis Enlargement Vitamins

When combined together with the aforementioned penis enlargement foods that we have recommended for you, the following set of penis enlargement vitamins will also enhance the growth and activeness of your penis.

(1). Vitamin A: This is an antibacterial vitamin that helps the body to fight against dieases and infections not excluding the ones that inhibit penis enlargement. Some foods that contain vitamin A includes butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes and lots more. However, you can still purchase Vitamin A Soft Gel supplements from an authorised phramacy store near you.

(2). Vitamin B5: When you take Vitamin B5 foods after your penis enlargement exercises, it improves the speed of recovery of your penis thereby promoting penis enlargement on the long run. This vitamin enhances the performance and erection of your penis at its peak. Some of the healthy foods that contain this penis enlargement vitamin includes shiitake mushrooms, liver meal, bran, sunflower seed and many others. You can also buy Vitamin B5 supplements from any licenced pharmacy store near you.

(3). Vitamin C: This vitamin is a prerequisite for optimum sexual performance and penis enlargement. Some penis enlargement foods that contain Vitamin C includes oranges, broccoli, guava, yellow bell pepper, pineapples among others. You can as well take Vitamin C supplements.

(4). Vitamin D: From the results of a popular study carried out by the International Society For Sexual Medicine in the year 2014, it was scientifically proved that Vitamin D deficiency in the body has contributed so much to a significant increase in the percentage of erectile dysfunction patients worldwide. They went further to say that this ugly condition is peculiar with patients that have the arteriogenic atiology. Thus, the study deduced that low levels of Vitamin D in the body system promotes endothelial dysfunctions which increases the chances of men developing erectile dysfunction issues. So do well to take Vitamin D supplements if you want to enlarge your penis and prevent erectile dysfunction.

(5). L-Arginine: L-Arginine is a food supplement that helps to prevent and treat erectile dysfunction in men. Also, it promotes the healthy expansion and multiplication of penile tissues. So L-Arginine can be said to be one of the effective penis enlargement vitamins. Oats, Tuna, beef flank steak and pine nuts are some foods that contain L-Arginine.

Recommended Penis Enlargement Foods For Men

(1). Honey: High amounts of vitamin B are found in honey which promotes the production of testosterone which is the male reproductive hormone.

(2). Eggs: Eggs are known to contain extra protein compounds and thus, are vital for controlling hormone levels in the body andd building penile tissues.

(3). Garlic: Garlic just like onions contains a compound known as allicin which boosts blood flow in the body. Also, garlic ensures that the heart functions properly.

(4). Figs: Amino acids and other vital organic compounds which improves a man's sexual stamina and libido are contained in figs.

(5). Water: When you drink an adequuate amount of water every day, your flaccid penis size appears thicker and longer.

(6). Fluted Pumpkin Seeds: Generally, nuts and seeds contains high levels of amino acids just like figs. So fluted pumpkin seeds also helps in the building of the penile cells and tissues.

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